Friday 5 August 2011

Dark Knight Rises...and the he rises again... and then he rises again...and again...etc etc etc.

              I don’t understand how they will continue to remake the same movies over and over again.  It seems like just when by the time they are finished remaking a comic book movie, that was a remake of a comic book movie from the 1960’s, they are already working on a new remake of that comic book movie.   I mean usually the director adds their own individual style, but how many different ways can Spider man or Batman be made, before there is nothing else you can do with those characters or story lines. 
                Recently it has been announced that Christopher Nolan is making the Third and final installment in his Batman series called the Dark Knight Rises.  So it looks like after that is made, and released in theatres, I just have to wait a couple years until someone else makes the next Batman movie, in case you missed the sarcasm, this is sarcasm.  As if the studios will just stop making Batman movies after the Dark Knight Rises, unless they really don’t enjoy the monetary success of the first three.  My guess is if Nolan doesn’t sign to direct the next movie, they will find someone who will like money more than he does, to direct the next one.  Use the Bond movies as an example, of the 23 movies there are only 15 directors, some who directed six, or so, in a row, and then when they moved on the studio found a new director to do the next one.  Now that the Batman movies have enjoyed more success than the Burton versions, and their mediocre continuations, there is no way they will stop.  I give Nolan credit for quitting after the third one, because there is nothing like the holy trinity of a trilogy, but I can’t see Warner Bros Studio just giving up after that.  My only hope is that they find a director of Nolan’s caliber, and they don’t lose the grittiness or fall into a special effects trap by making each movie more grandiose and explosive then the last and losing the original tone of the previous ones.  The thing I like about the Nolan Batman’s is they not only showcase the action and explosion that was in the original comic book, but also the drama and the relationships between the characters.  The sad thing is that most movie sequels eventually become more of a product that share the same exterior packaging as their predecessors, however lack the same quality. 
                This is the year of the comic book movie, as it may be known.  Each one seemingly more successful than the last one; Captain America, Green Lantern, Thor, the new X-men movie, just to name a few.  How many of these will have sequels, there is only so much one man can take.  Why should I spend my money and time going an seeing every single one, when I could be going to see movies that have an original script and storyline.  When the first  Iron Man was released it must have caused some movie producers eyes to form little dollars signs, because after that the comic book movies just started to pump out one at a time.  The sad thing is that most of these movies are stealing to souls of the original comic books, by giving kids and adults, an hour and a half synopsis of what was originally 20 issues of a comic book, and adding a couple of jokes in here or there, to ensure it is appealing to mass consumer market's ADD.   Have you ever gone and seen a movie made out of your favorite book,  and just really not enjoyed it?  This is because it is impossible for movies to contain the same character development and detail that book contained.  So why does the movie industry continually try to make movies out of these comics that still remain best in their original forms.  It is time for us as the viewer to take a stand and not to go see every single comic book movie that gets released.  Wait for it to come on TV stop feeding the little dollar signs in the movie producers eyes, because eventually those little dollar signs will grow and grow to become big dollar signs, and eventually there will be nothing left of our cinematic culture, we will be a laughing stock of the world.